马来西亚槟威大桥 Sunrise Over Penang Bridge

槟威大桥 Penang Bridge
槟威大桥计划是由马来西亚第二任首相敦拉萨在1960年代提出。前槟城首席部长敦林苍祐也曾经在1964年竞选时提出这个概念。1971年,马来西亚联邦政府基于槟城的经济发展潜力而认为应在槟城和威省之间兴建一座桥梁。1982年,第四任首相敦马哈迪拍案决定展开这个计划, 并于1985年建成通车。当时,槟威大桥是世界第三大桥。 目前则是马来西亚第二长的大桥, 排在马来西亚槟城第二跨海大桥(槟城二桥)之后。
槟威大桥建峻前,渡轮是来往槟岛和威省的主要交通工具。槟威大桥建好之后,把槟岛的旅游也推向另一高峰, 让许多人可以取道南北大道直达槟岛。 从马来西亚半岛(威省)到槟岛需要付过路费,从槟岛去马来西亚半岛则无需缴付过路费。
𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 is a 13.5-kilometer dual carriageway toll bridge and controlled-access highway in the state of Penang, Malaysia. The bridge was the first and, until 2014, the only road connection between the peninsula and the island. It is the second-longest bridge in Malaysia and the fifth-longest in Southeast Asia by total length.
The bridge start construction in 1982 and inaugurated on 14 September 1985. The bridge connects Perai on the mainland side of the state with Gelugor on the island, crossing the Penang Strait.
Penang bridge is the landmark of Penang. Some compare it to the London Bridge.
The Penang provides a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts to capture remarkable scenery, especially during the sunrise and sunset.

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